After Repair by Carpentry Worx
There are things you can do to guard against termites where-ever possible. When constructing any new structure, use treated timbers or termite resistant timbers, such as Cypress Pine, keeping in mind the appropriate structural grade timbers must be used where required.
Keep gardens away from your house and other structures, as Termites love the moisture they provide. A simple walk around the exterior of the house doing a visual check for any activity such as mud tracks can alert you to their presence. If you do find signs of termites it is important not to disturb them and call a professional to assess and treat the problem.
It is also good to communicate between neighbours when termites are found so that they can check they aren’t be affected by the same colony and more effective treatment can be undertaken by all parties at the same time.
Assessing the damage caused can sometimes be an unknown quantity until you start pulling wall sheeting off and seeing the damage hidden behind. More commonly damaged are window frames and skirting boards but other times you can be unfortunate in finding the studs and noggins eaten behind the wall sheeting. These need to be replaced to ensure the integrity of the structure.
If you’ve been unfortunate not to have caught them before damage has been caused, Carpentry Worx can assist you in the repair, once the required treatment time has passed. We will use termite resistant timber where-ever possible when repairing and replacing the damage. You want peace of mind that your structure is sound once again.